RED V-Raptor 8k VV Camera Kit DSMC3 SmallHD 7" Monitor Kippertie Strata-ND RF-PL Adaptor (2) 650gb CFast Cards

RED V-Raptor 8k VV Camera Kit DSMC3 SmallHD 7" Monitor Kippertie Strata-ND RF-PL Adaptor (2) 650gb CFast Cards



Camera Hours: 487

Camera Hours: 487
- RED V-Raptor VV Camera Brain with Original Box
Serial # VRPB1001432
- Bright Tangerine V-Raptor Expert Kit
- Kippertie Strata-ND PL Adapter
- (2x) Prograde 650gb CFExpress-B Cards
- RED CFExpress-B Card Reader
- DSMC3 Red Touch 7" LCD


Compact, fast, and full-frame—the black V-RAPTOR 8K VV Camera is an impressive introduction to RED DIGITAL CINEMA's new DSMC3 platform. Sized only slightly larger than the KOMODO but boasting a new sensor, the V-RAPTOR offers multi-format capture in 8K VV, 6K Super35, 4K, 3K Super16, and anamorphic options. This versatility enables you to adapt your format from project to project to suit your choice of a variety of pro cine or still photo lenses. The V-RAPTOR's RF lens mount can be used with numerous lens adapters, and it has a locking ring that provides additional security for use with heavier lenses and steady, wide-open capture.

Shipping details

All items are shipped via UPS without shipping insurance unless the client specifically requests it. We recommend that clients purchase their own production insurance that covers their items in shipment.

Camera Hours: 487
- RED V-Raptor VV Camera Brain with Original Box
Serial # VRPB1001432
- Bright Tangerine V-Raptor Expert Kit
- Kippertie Strata-ND PL Adapter
- (2x) Prograde 650gb CFExpress-B Cards
- RED CFExpress-B Card Reader
- DSMC3 Red Touch 7" LCD


Compact, fast, and full-frame—the black V-RAPTOR 8K VV Camera is an impressive introduction to RED DIGITAL CINEMA's new DSMC3 platform. Sized only slightly larger than the KOMODO but boasting a new sensor, the V-RAPTOR offers multi-format capture in 8K VV, 6K Super35, 4K, 3K Super16, and anamorphic options. This versatility enables you to adapt your format from project to project to suit your choice of a variety of pro cine or still photo lenses. The V-RAPTOR's RF lens mount can be used with numerous lens adapters, and it has a locking ring that provides additional security for use with heavier lenses and steady, wide-open capture.

All items are shipped via UPS without shipping insurance unless the client specifically requests it. We recommend that clients purchase their own production insurance that covers their items in shipment.


Here is a guide to understanding our condition ratings:

Condition 10: "Like New" means the Item looks brand new (i.e., no cosmetic wear and tear), all casings, sensor, glass, buttons and screen(s) are pristine condition with no scuffs, marks or scratches. The Item is in excellent working order with no marks or damage to glass or sensor.

Condition 9: "Excellent" means the Item looks close to new (i.e., only the lightest signs of cosmetic wear), all casings, sensor, glass, buttons and screen(s) are excellent condition with no significant scuffs, marks or scratches. The Item is in excellent working order with no marks or damage to glass or sensor. 

Condition 8: "Good" means the Item has good overall condition, may have some signs of cosmetic wear (i.e., light scuffing to some areas / slight shiny surfaces). Any casings, sensor, glass, buttons and screen(s) are good condition and there are no significant chips / scratches or damage. The Item is in excellent working order with no marks / damage to glass or sensor.

Condition 7: "Well Used" means the Item may have significant signs of cosmetic wear (i.e., scuffing to some areas / shiny surfaces / marks). All casings, sensor, glass, buttons and screen(s) are full working condition. There are no marks or damage to the glass or sensor unless specifically stated. 

Condition 6: "Heavily Used" means the Item may have significant signs of cosmetic wear (i.e., scuffing / shiny surfaces / marks / scratches / chipping to paint / peeling surfaces). The Item is in full working order with no marks or damage to glass or sensor unless specifically stated.

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